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    Chicana/Latina Studies
    volume 4 number 2 (Spring 2005)
    Authors:   Alicia Partnoy and Karen Mary Davalos
    Title:  Editors' Commentary
    Abstract:   none available
    Pages: 6 - 7
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    Author:   Irene Lara
    Title:  Bruja Positionalities: Toward a Chicana/Latina Spiritual Activism
    Abstract:   This essay elaborates on constructions of "la Bruja" -a female practitioner of spiritual, sexual, and healing knowledges-in our contemporary cultural imaginary grounded in a legacy of the otherization of women healers in Europe and las Américas. Specifically, I analyze Ricky Martin's song "Livin' La Vida Loca" about the ambivalent witchy power of a racialized woman over a man. The essay explores the ways that "brujas" are feared for their knowledge and power and hence subjected to oppressive treatment. I argue for the a bruja positionality within Chicana/Latina studies that includes developing our own bruja-like epistemologies. As a practice of what Gloria Anzaldúa might call "spiritual activism," a bruja positionality is built on healing the internalized beliefs that demonize la Bruja and the transgressive spirituality and sexuality that she represents. [Key words: Chicanas/Latinas; spirituality; spiritual activism; cultural studies; feminist epistemology; brujas; curanderas; "Livin' La Vida Loca"]
    Pages: 10 - 45
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    Author:   Michelle Téllez
    Title:  Doing Research at the Borderlands: Notes from a Chicana Feminist Ethnographer
    Abstract:   This article explores the tension between activism and scholarship and develops a counter-narrative intended to reformulate the tension. Framed by and in conversation with the groundbreaking work of Chicana and women of color feminist writers and scholars whose work critiques cultural, political, and economic conditions in the United States and whose work embodies the goals of advocacy scholarship, the essay offers a pathway for negotiating and disrupting dichotomies. Fundamental to this piece is the creation of bridges between the production of knowledge in the academic world with communities struggling for social justice and the application of it to the concept of mestizaje. [Key words: Chicana/o Studies, feminist theory, women of color discourse, ethnography, methodology, border studies]
    Pages: 46 - 70
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    Author:   Zulema Moret
    Title:  Casi en la Zozobra de lo Indecible (Fragmento del Prefacio al libro Mujeres Mirando al Sur: Antología de Poetas Sudamericanas en USA)
    Abstract:   Partiendo del concepto de Benedict Anderson, para quien la Nación es además de una entidad polí­tica soberana, una comunidad imaginaria, la antologí­a de cuyo prefacio extraemos estas páginas presenta una "comunidad poética imaginaria". Diecisiete poetas sudamericanas que escriben en castellano pero radican en los Estados Unidos participan de este esfuerzo. Cada una construye, con las palabras sugeridas por Zulema Moret, una auto/entrevista creativa al comienzo de su capí­tulo. Además del fragmento del esclarecedor prefacio de la antologadora, se publican a continuación tres de los poemas del libro. Se incluyen las traducciones al inglés, que no se encuentran en el volumen original. El libro fue publicado recientemente por la editorial feminista española Torremozas.
    Pages: 72 - 77
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    Author:   Victoria Guerrero
    Title:  Porvenir
    Abstract:   none available
    Pages: 80 - 80
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    Authors:   Victoria Guerrero and Translated by Sarli E Mercado
    Title:  Time to Come
    Abstract:   none available
    Pages: 81 - 83
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    Author:   Marí­a A Álvarez
    Title:  Nosotros
    Abstract:   none available
    Pages: 84 - 84
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    Authors:   Translated by Kenny Fitzerald and Marí­a A Álvarez
    Title:  Just Us
    Abstract:   none available
    Pages: 85 - 85
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    Authors:   Mariela Dreyfus and Translated by Anne Archer
    Title:  Todos Saben Que Vivo, Que Respiro
    Abstract:   none available
    Pages: 86 - 91
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    Author:   Enmei Carrasco
    Title:  My Esteemed Xicano Brother
    Abstract:   none available
    Pages: 92 - 93
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    Author:   Enmei Carrasco
    Title:  Upstairs
    Abstract:   none available
    Pages: 94 - 94
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    Author:   Emma Sepúlveda
    Title:  I Am Afraid of the Security Moms
    Abstract:   This is one of many columns by the author that elicits strong comments to her mail box, telephone message machine, and website. Her column is published in the Reno Gazette Journal. On Sundays and any given Monday, she has from ten to seventy messages that include basic disagreements and offensive aggressive insults. Periodically, she receives phone calls with the repetitive litany that she must "go back to Mexico and leave us alone." The angry readers have not discovered (after ten years of writing the column and constant references to her former country) that she is not from Mexico, but from Chile. The death threats are also common and her office at the university remains locked at all times. She has a peephole in her office door to view visitors before opening it.
    Pages: 98 - 100

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