A labor of love, born in 2007.

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    Chicana/Latina Studies
    volume 7 number 1 (Fall 2007)
    Author:   Nayda Collazo-Llorens
    Title:  Interference
    Abstract:   none available
    Pages: 6 - 6
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    Authors:   Tiffany Ana López and Karen Mary Davalos
    Title:  Running Interference: Editors' Commentary
    Abstract:   none available
    Pages: 8 - 15
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    Author:   Yxta Maya Murray
    Title:  Introducing Dark Sex: An Erotic Protest Novel
    Abstract:   Discursive Protest
    Pages: 18 - 43
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    Author:   Tanya González
    Title:  The (Gothic) Gift of Death in Cherríe Moraga's The Hungry Woman: A Mexican Medea (2001)
    Abstract:   Death is a central issue in many of the essays and plays by Chicana activist and writer Cherrí­e Moraga. Interestingly, this manipulation of death often centers on the role of mothers in Moraga's work, as is evident in The Hungry Woman: A Mexican Medea. This futuristic play is a rewriting of Euripides' Greek tragedy Medea from the perspective of a Chicana activist exiled from the new Aztlán because of her love for another woman. This essay addresses how Moraga manipulates gothic themes of violence, death, and sacrifice to highlight homophobic and sexist discourses that destroy family and hinder love. In effect, Moraga produces an alternative "decolonial" space in the most unlikely of moments-the murder of a child-in order to strip the destructive power of patriarchy. The complex analysis of death in this text requires a literary discussion of the gothic, Western religion, indigenous cultural practices, and Chicana feminism in order to show how Moraga not only critiques the replication of power and authority in the Chicano community, but also contributes to a reconeptualization of death as a "gift"-both a sacrifice leading to salvation from patriarchy, and a place of redemption and grace. [Key words: Cherrí­e Moraga, The Hungry Woman, Chicana theater, Chicana feminism, gothic literary theory]
    Pages: 44 - 77
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    Author:   tatiana de la tierra
    Title:  Yolanda the Poweful
    Abstract:   En memoria: Yolanda Retter Vargas. December 4,1947--August 8, 2007
    Pages: 80 - 83
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    Author:   Mónica Russel y Rodrí­guez
    Title:  Messy Spaces: Chicana Testimonio and the Undisciplining of Ethnography
    Abstract:   This article explores the value of personal insight as an analytical device while gesturing toward its limits. It compares and performs writing one's voice with writing the voices of others (through the method and practice of ethnography). It demonstrates how these parallel projects are often censored by notions of what is messy and should be kept "private." It also shows, however, that these muted and messy spaces can be productive places to look for Chicana feminist contributions. By looking for examples of messiness in ethnography, historical narratives, and personal experience, I am performing multivocal perspectives as a politics of Chicana feminism and deploying them to defy disciplinary claims to merit. The ethnographic component of this work examines practices of feminisms among working-class Chicanas who labor outside the home and attend school. Historical notes consider the multiple meanings of domestic knowledge. My own testimonio provides an added verse to the polyphony, connecting how my mother's story influenced my own. Through this multivocal approach, the article develops a notion of "undiscipline," riffing from Foucault, as a means for reevaluating the place of personal voice and disciplinary censorship. [Key words: testimonio, undiscipline, performance, Chicana feminism, ethnography]
    Pages: 86 - 121
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    Author:   Amanda Nolacea Harris
    Title:  Our Stories
    Abstract:   Ethnography undisciplined
    Pages: 122 - 125
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    Author:   Eliza Rodriguez y Gibson
    Title:  Who Do You Love? Stories and Social Justice
    Abstract:   Book review of : Their Dogs Came with Them: A Novel. By Helena Maria Viramontes. New York: Simon & Schuster/Atria, 2007. 328 pages. $23.00 (cloth). ISBN 978-0-7432-8766-1
    Pages: 128 - 131
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    Author:   Lisa Justine Hernandez
    Title:  Trace Elements of Random Tea Parties and Like Son: The Chican@ Queer Borderlands
    Abstract:   Book reviews of Trace Elements of Random Tea Parties by Felicia Luna Lemus. Farrar, Straus, Giroux Books. 2003
    and Like Son by Felicia Luna Lemus. Akashic Books, 2007.
    Pages: 132 - 134
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    Author:   Patricia Valdés
    Title:  They
    Abstract:   Movimiento de Cambio
    Pages: 138 - 139
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    Author:   Unasirena
    Title:  Movimiento de Cambio: Uprising in Oaxaca
    Abstract:   Movimiento de Cambio
    Pages: 140 - 149
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    Author:   Kristina Lizardy-Hajbi
    Title:  Ally
    Abstract:   Movimiento de Cambio
    Pages: 150 - 150
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