A labor of love, born in 2007.

This Bridge Called Cyberspace

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    volume 3 number 1 (2012)
    Note: The Nakum website is under re-construction during which time the links for this issue are not working.
    Authors:   Lydia A French and Carlos Aceves
    Title:  Letter from the Editor: 2012
    Abstract:   click here to open the article on the Nakum website
    Author:   Scott Comar
    Title:  As the Sun Shined Brightly: Tigua Representations of Indigeneity and Agency Through Public Presentations, 1889-1936
    Abstract:   click here to open the article on the Nakum website
    Authors:   Cintli Rodriguez and Norma Gonzalez
    Title:  Banning the Aztec Calendar: Indigenous, Maiz-Based Knowledge and Teachings at the Heart of Tucson's Mexican American Studies Curriculum and Conflict
    Abstract:   click here to open the article on the Nakum website
    Author:   Ramon Sanchez
    Title:  Cultural Discourse and Interpretation of Distressed American Indigenous Communities in Álvarez Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca's 1542 La relación
    Abstract:   click here to open the article on the Nakum website
    Author:   Margaret Cantú-Sánchez
    Title:  Indigenitude Theory as a Pedagogical History of Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
    Abstract:   click here to open the article on the Nakum website
    Author:   Scott Comar
    Title:  Indigenous Adaptations to a Changing Social Environment in the El Paso Borderlands and the Tigua of Ysleta del Sur
    Abstract:   click here to open the article on the Nakum website
    Author:   Scott Comar
    Title:  The Deeper Truth About Spanish Colonization
    Abstract:   click here to open the article on the Nakum website

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