A labor of love, born in 2007.

This Bridge Called Cyberspace

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Chicana/Latina Studies

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    Chicana/Latina Studies
    volume 14 number 2 (Spring 2015)
    Author:   Emily Costello
    Title:  Stories, Social Conscience and Art
    Abstract:   none available
    Pages: 10 - 12
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    Author:   Carla Chavarrí­a
    Title:  Going Beyond the Canvas
    Abstract:   Artist's Statement
    Pages: 16 - 17
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    Authors:   C. Alejandra Elenes, Gloria Cuádraz and Eliza Rodriguez y Gibson
    Title:  Troubling Borders: Interrogating the Public and Private in Pain and in Love
    Abstract:   Editors' Commentary
    Pages: 20 - 23
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    Author:   Stephanie Fetta
    Title:  Disability, Domestic Workers, and Disappearance in Octavio Solís's Lydia
    Abstract:   none available
    Pages: 26 - 57
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    Author:   Juana Marí­a Rodrí­guez
    Title:  Brujería, the Queer Karaoke Remix
    Abstract:   none available
    Pages: 58 - 59
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    Author:   M. Cristina Alcalde
    Title:  Transformative Journeys: The Impact of First-Time Motherhood on Mexican Women's Migration Experience in the US South
    Abstract:   Based on interviews and participant observation, this article examines the role of pregnancy and first-time motherhood in Mexican women's "gender-transformative odyssey" from single, transnational workers to first-time mothers and partners with transnational obligations. I underscore multiple intersecting dimensions within women's transformative journeys: from being single to being a partner and mother, from full-time paid worker to full-time unpaid caretaker, from remittance sender to economic dependent, and from short-term migrant to long-term resident in the US South. Interviews reveal that the gendered caretaking role associated with motherhood begins during women's pregnancy and disrupts the transgressive path to economic autonomy that characterized women's entry to the United States as single, childless women. Negotiating their transition from full-time workers who send money to family in Mexico to at least temporarily staying home to care for their children implies prioritizing more traditional gender roles and the loss of economic autonomy and ability to send remittances. Women are keenly aware of, and negotiate, both the cultural scripts of motherhood and the realities of transnational family needs.
    Pages: 62 - 98
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    Author:   J. Estrella Torrez
    Title:  Translating Chicana Testimonios into Pedagogy for a White Midwestern Classroom
    Abstract:   Based upon my own testimonios, I merge critical education and testimonio to argue for the integration of love, community, and a disruption of the teacher/learner binary within higher education. In this article, I present the concept "pedagogy of love" and suggest how it can be accomplished through a true dedication to a shift within the prevailing meritocratic educational model. Using testimonio methodology, I examine the obstacles prohibiting acts of love and the use of testimonios in a university classroom. Currently, faculty are pushed to demonstrate productivity through entrepreneurial endeavors, rather than building a community of engaged and critical learners. It is in this era of standardization and over mechanization that faculty struggle to maintain meaningful humanizing relationships with students, which is even more complicated for women faculty of color who attempt to map onto a white middle-class student body their own ideas of a community-building framework. Throughout my narrative of survival and celebration, I recount the challenges in integrating a pedagogy of love in the university space.
    Pages: 101 - 130
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    Author:   Norma Cantú
    Title:  Vida de Perro/ A Dog's Life
    Abstract:   none available
    Pages: 132 - 135
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    Author:   Milagros López-Peláez Casellas
    Title:  Book Review: The Death of Fidel Pérez by Elizabeth Huergo
    Abstract:   none available
    Pages: 138 - 140
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    Author:   Karen Mary Davalos
    Title:  Book Review: Sacred Iconographies in Chicana Cultural Productions by Clara Román-Odio
    Abstract:   none available
    Pages: 142 - 145
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    Author:   Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs
    Title:  Book Review: Milk and Filth by Carmen Giménez Smith
    Abstract:   none available
    Pages: 146 - 149
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    Author:   Susan C Méndez
    Title:  Conference Review: 2014 Roundtable on Latina Feministm
    Abstract:   Roundtable on Latina Feminism. April 25–26, 2014. John Carroll University, Cleveland, OH. Sponsors: The Shula Chair in Philosophy at John Carroll University and The John Carroll University Center for Applied Ethics. Conference Organizer: Mariana Ortega.
    Pages: 150 - 153
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