Author: Amrah Salomón J. Title: When Social Media Become Social Justice: Denuncias inside/outside Chicano/a Studies Abstract: This article explores the connections and lessons learned in confronting
heteropatriarchal violence across the various locations of Chicano Studies inside
and outside the academy, specifically focusing on lessons that emerge from online zines, social media, and the public denouncement of abusers by two women of color and queer activist zines, QUARREL and MalintZINE. Community accountability
practices such as denuncia, harm reduction, and the reclaiming / flipping back of
feminine and queer monstrosity are detailed as examples of how the zines document
dignity-centered community building alternatives to violence. Bridging the community-academia divide allows us to consider the diverse forms of institutionalization that maintain heteropatriarchy and locate ways to engage various institutional limits that reproduce violence. By analyzing the creative alternatives of community-based accountability processes, this article presents examples of how community activism can support creating greater gender justice within Chicano Studies programs. Pages: 304 - 321 click to view article Author: Natalia Thompson Title: Construyendo complicidades, resplando resistencias: A Roundtable Discussion on Institutional Violence in Latin American Universities Abstract: none available Pages: 322 - 326 click to view article | |