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Chicana/Latina Studies

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    Chicana/Latina Studies
    volume 12 number 1 (Fall 2012)
    Author:   Verónica Castillo Hernández
    Title:  Mi otro yo: el barro y yo somos uno/ My Other Self: Clay and I Are One, Artist's Statement
    Abstract:   Translated by Josie Méndez-Negrete
    Pages: 10 - 21
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    Author:   Josie Méndez-Negrete
    Title:  Seguimos luchando: Inside/Outside Power Structures, Editor's Commentary
    Abstract:   none available
    Pages: 24 - 29
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    Author:   Cristina Herrera
    Title:  "Undesirable Women?" Afro-Puerto Rican Mother-Daughter Relationships and Puerto Rican Heritage in Dahlma Llanos-Figueroa's Daughters of the Stone
    Abstract:   This article provides an analysis of Dahlma Llanos-Figueroa's 2009 novel, Daughters of the Stone, a text that traces five generations of Afro–Puerto Rican women living on the island and in New York City. I situate the novel within the context of creative non-fiction essays posed on Afro-Latinas, which argue that this group of women is unable to combat racism and sexism within Latina/o communities and U.S. mainstream society. Because of the Latina/o cultural taboo associated with claiming African heritage, scholars and writers have constructed Afro-Latinas as perpetual victims of racism and sexism. While certainly this claim can be supported, the novel shapes Afro–Puerto Rican women as empowered agents. I argue that the novel contests writings on Afro-Latinas, suggesting that strong bonds between Afro–Puerto Rican mothers and daughters function as a mode of empowerment and subjectification. Unlike works supporting the racial, sexual "undesirability" of Afro-Latinas, Daughters of the Stone challenges this view by instead constructing Afro–Puerto Rican mothers as subjects who empower their daughters by sharing and creating maternal family stories that serve as a re-writing and re-telling of Puerto Rican cultural heritage.
    Pages: 32 - 78
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    Author:   Hortencia Jiménez
    Title:  Doing Leadership: New Models of Chicana/Latina Leadership in Austin, Texas
    Abstract:   This article examines Chicana/Latina activist involvement in the Austin Immigrant Rights Coalition (AIRC) and reflections on leadership. I developed "Doing Leadership" as a sociological framework for understanding leadership as a continuous and regular accomplishment achieved through everyday practices. Doing leadership is not ascribed or static, but rather an action, a process that is relational, non-authoritarian, and non-hierarchical. My findings reveal three common modes of doing leadership: leadership that is shared, leadership behind the scenes, and leadership that serves the community. Doing leadership moves away from traditionally patriarchal and hierarchical models for understanding social organizing and leadership, thus capturing diverse Chicana/Latina leadership practices.
    Pages: 82 - 113
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    Author:   Nannette Regua
    Title:  Women in the Chicano Movement: Grassroots Activism in San José
    Abstract:   The Chicano Movement of the 1960s and 1970s united numerous Chicanas in San José, California, as they challenged racial and class inequality in public education and city institutions. Despite their exceptional devotion to the movement, Chicano Movement historians who focus almost exclusively on men have not adequately recognized Chicana activists. This article seeks to provide a more complete and nuanced picture of women's roles and contributions to the movement, thereby expanding our understanding of regional Chicana grassroots activism. It analyzes ten oral narratives of Chicana activist veterans of San José who articulate their leadership roles in the movement, revealing their dedication as they mobilized and empowered their community. Many Chicanas stood side by side with Chicanos, and, when necessary, women forged an autonomous political space in order to combat patriarchal notions of women's roles.
    Pages: 114 - 152
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    Author:   Tiffany Ana López
    Title:  Solo but Not Alone : One-woman Teatro as Testimonio: An Introduction to Chela by Dulce Maria Solis
    Abstract:   none available
    Pages: 156 - 159
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    Author:   Dulce Maria Solis
    Title:  Artist's Statement
    Abstract:   none available
    Pages: 160 - 162
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    Author:   Dulce Maria Solis
    Title:  Chela: Her Third Husband, Her First Orgasm A Multi-media, One-woman Show
    Abstract:   none available
    Pages: 163 - 203
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    Author:   Linda Heidenreich
    Title:  Book Review: Maylei Blackwell's ¡Chicana Power! Contested Histories of Feminism in the Chicano Movement
    Abstract:   Â¡Chicana Power! Contested Histories of Feminism in the Chicano Movement. By Maylei Blackwell. Austin: University of Texas Press, Chicana Matters Series, 2011. Pp. 312 pages. $55.00 (cloth) $24.95 (paper).
    Pages: 206 - 209
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