Finding Myself

9) Learning from Illness: Creative Growth Isn’t Lazy

Welcome. I am moving from disease into ease as I negotiate my recently diagnosed autoimmune vasculitis. My absence from blogging is explained by fact that I couldn’t do anything until I found some digital hacks for my health and to build my community connections. I write to overcome my fear as I transition into an independent… Continue reading 9) Learning from Illness: Creative Growth Isn’t Lazy

COVID-19 · Finding Myself

2) The New COVID-19 Normal: Finding Myself During a Pandemic

My August had more ordinary days than June or July. I finally swam in the pool and stopped sleeping the days away. In August I slept at night with far fewer thoughts and tears about the trauma of being fired after 20 years. I started conceptualizing this blog to improve my focus, to set goals,… Continue reading 2) The New COVID-19 Normal: Finding Myself During a Pandemic